Cube- G.I.-Joe 80s Show Disclosure


 Quick Disclaimer :

 Cobra is an insider that has his own disclosure

the cabal obviously controlled most this show by making Cobra the enemy & in the most obnoxious way with characters every episode repeatedly yelling cobra . 

( Oct , 2018 ) " Manyof those Lightworkers & Lightwarriors have been mind programmed against Galactic Confederation Light Forces, & many have been programmed against me & some other key people involved in theplanetary liberation process. "

This actually proves how he has indeed been working for the liberation of earth for decades before going public in 2012.

Before any inversion of dark forces the snake was/is a symbol for Kundalini energy which is the force that will expand in us until we liberate ourselves building into the moment of the compression breakthrough / The Event(Planetary Liberation)

---There is also another show with a more positive take from  Japan & during the same time period of the 80s:

This is not surprising as Cobra is one of the only people informing us about the dragon families a key group in the process of PLANETARY liberation :


Many talk about Mass Meditation the importance of The Goddess , Exposing the TOP Cabal & Their TOP controlling mechanisms & the actual satanists , Unity in community  , adv healing options for starseeds,   much much more, including all others key topics people cover

 With that said it is hard to imagine cobra possibly being the enemy when he is literally the only one making such an effort to make those things happen & with success




Late 1985 this show restarted after a year or so with episodes starting back at 1 & started with the cube as the center of a 5 episode story : 


After decoding/extracting all relevant scenes related to the cube , the full disclosed version /longform can be watched here:




 Th real cube is associated with the following :

-Satellites ( related to DEW which targets people)

- Chimera (created the cube)

- Connected to toplet bombs /explosion , which are tied to our implants

- through the non physical system inside the "AI-God" which is a plasma OCTOPUS/tentacle



 Satellite :

- ( July , 2020 ) " the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

- ( Nov , 2021 ) " Urim base in Israel { CUBE LOCATION } is the main base for scalar and directed weapons attacks "

  • " Most powerful weapon in history " (cubes)
  • It mentions controlling all the energy , this is b/c an etheric cube exist as a physical counterpart  which is the center of the planetary inverted light grid network .
  • The twins mentions the cube having power over military control systems
  • They include the twin element in this show (right next to cube) b/c as stated their is a physical and 4d cube counterpart
  • It shows how the satellite dew can reach worldwide


  • The cube literally has energy weapons attached to it 
  • Depicts usage of microwave weaponry @ 2 min mark , very similar to Active denial System(ADS)

Targeted Individual :

  • Shows how people looking to expose the cube/dew etc are being followed , "the whole worlds at stage"

Devil/Satin :

Spider Web


The real cube is a central computer of the matrix which involves detecting the vibrational frequency of people and if if gets very high due to a ET contact experience it would send a signal that would potentially trigger a toplet bomb & this is how quarantine earth has been maintained. The 4D archons trick people who are not aware of that fact by spreading the "cosmic law " concept into our minds through their etheric reptilian minions & tech ( which controls large % of most peoples thoughts behavior ) to prolong peoples awakening to the truth of the planetary hostage leverage mechanisms .


(Nov,2021) " Urim base has a “spider room” and a “black cube room” . The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, and relays it to its etheric counterpart and to the etheric implant/Chimera network. " 



Undead + twin aka non physical + counterpart


Its not a coincidence they incorporated the twin element via the characters,, RIGHT NEXT TO the cube which has a "twin" :

" The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, and relays it to its etheric counterpart "


Transformers similarities

Shows radiation  see #13

Shows antarctica  see #4

Self  Destruct see # 10

Irobot similarity

Wall strips of light broadcasting

See # 6 & 11

 Justice League :

Has many trapezoid shapes in it

Just like gi joe :


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