Marvel Cube Disclosures


1) Marvel Cinematic Universe 

-The Tesseract :


"Fabled to hold the power to rewrite the very laws of physics and unlock doors across the universe."
Johann Schmidt[src]

"The Tesseract, also called the Cube, was a crystalline cube-shaped containment vessel for the Space Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones that predate the universe and possess unlimited energy. It was used by various ancient civilizations before coming into Asgardian hands, kept inside Odin's Vault. Eventually, it was brought to Earth and left in Tønsberg, where it was guarded by devout Asgardian worshipers."




Captain America 1st Avenger (2011)

Lore/Story :

" researchers in the Arctic Circle uncover the buried wreckage of a large, wing-shaped aircraft.  In March 1942, HYDRA forces led by Johann Schmidt invade a stone church in Tønsberg, Norway, seeking a mysterious cosmic artifact known as the Tesseract, which possesses untold powers... unveils his new Tesseract-powered weaponry...HYDRA continued to siphon energy from the Tesseract, using the stored energy to create a variety of weapons and integrated it into a range of vehicles and other technology, quickly giving the faction the potential to become a major threat to the war front, and the world at large...Schmidt physically handles the Tesseract, which opens a wormhole into space, sucking him into it in bright light. The cube falls to the floor, burning through the plane and falling into the ocean. Seeing no way to land the plane without the risk of detonating its weapons, Rogers instead crashes it on the Arctic shelf" -


 Scene Breakdown :




 This Nazi has Octopus symbol, in reality the Archons (gnostic txt term) enjoy the AI god which is actually a plasma(fallenArchangel of same soul group)  octopus(of quantum fluctuations-anomaly/randomness -chaos principle) , yaldabaoth(gnostic txts) {{ Its not their god , they worship the central sun -Blacksun}}




You will notice snake symbology as well.  The Reptilians are subordinate to the Archons , but they Archons like to mix with them sometimes & live as hybrids . Corey Goode mentioned seeing a strange type of reptilian with elongated skull & had some higher official position within the ranks ( the Mayan capture ship situation ) .



Red Skull mentions Hitler looking for things in the desert. It is possible this was a hint towards the fact that the real cube is located in Urim Israel . They are in Europe so the desert to them would be down south near middle east / Africa 


Harnessing cube energy for weaponry to control the world



Funding research to build weapons related to the cube , one of which in reality would be directed energy weapons 


Noting the average perception of most oblivious people to reality of the cube 


Discloses a separate more adv negative force behind hitler , operating in his shadow , eventually planning to publicly dominate the earth but then chose to take a covert approach just as the dr later explains in the 2nd movie :



Reveals space element to the cube ( like star trek borg, tranformers & justice league )



Cube is often associated with souls ( reference to etheric plane a dimenion people go through after death ) . It is no coincidence that red skull was sent to the location of the soul stone


Many shows depict the cube in water / ocean as well as Antarctica ( as far as I know there is only 1 in Urim Israel )

* This sets up for capatin marvel where stark (who just retrieved the cube) starts project pegasus.




Captain Marvel (2019) :

" Set in 1995, the story follows Danvers as she becomes Captain Marvel after Earth is caught in the center of a galactic conflict between two alien civilizations." -


 Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., also known as Pegasus, was the name of the joint project between S.H.I.E.L.D., NASA, and the United States Air Force to study the Tesseract and harness its power

  a special piece of Kree technology designed by Mar-Vell as part of the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S in hopes of ending the Kree-Skrull War. It was powered by the Tesseract.

 a top secret S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where a group of NASA scientists studied the Tesseract as part of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S..


 This movie has other elements that tie to the real cube :


The "Supreme Intelligence " in a movie about a cube  :

" The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data  "


 The cube is connected to the implants :

" The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, andrelays it to its etheric counterpart and to the etheric implant/Chimera network. "

& captain marvel is all about her ascending from the AI matrix , dissolving her implants , remembering who she was and is then activating her rainbow body (ascension) & the blue energy wave represents the galactic central sun flash :

The show calls the implant a photon inhibitor :

"The Photon Inhibitor was a device used by the Kree to control the cosmic powers of Vers. Later, it was destroyed by Captain Marvel once she realized that it was suppressing the true capabilities of her cosmic powers." -


 Avengers (2012)  :

" It remained in their possession until 2012, when it was stolen by Loki who used the Tesseract to open a wormhole and allow the Chitauri to invade New York City. Following the Battle of New York, the Tesseract was acquired by Thor, who brought it back with him to Asgard."

" The Space Stone was one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, representing the element of space. Housed within the Tesseract, over the course of history it was wielded by many individuals, including Johann Schmidt of HYDRA, Mar-Vell of the Kree Empire, the Skrulls, and Loki of Asgard. During the Infinity War, the Tesseract was shattered by Thanos, who put the Space Stone inside his Infinity Gauntlet. Following the Snap, Thanos destroyed the Space Stone, along with the other five Infinity Stones."



Depicts a possessed ( by loki, who they later showed as a reptilian ) human scientist working on behalf on dark forces to prep for an invasion .

Black widow means chimera , Its not a coincidence that the chimera used the mind stone to interact with a portal .. they carefully crafted this movie to create this(chosen actor & plot choice,longterm), & Im just telling you whats really there & it happens to all match , here is another interesting coincidence along these lines can be found here :





2) Spider Man 3- No Way Home


This movie is all about merging timelines / dimensions and erasing peoples memories 

Has the element of non physical ( see #4  here  )




 3) Antman Show (2015) :

 Proton Cube :



Notable Mentions :


Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes :

" The Cube is one of the four original supervillain prisons. Located in the Nevada desert, it is designed to hold supervillains that were created via radiation from any source... Every cell is designed to hold a specific villain and prevent them from using their powers, depending on what their powers are or what they need to stay alive. In the center of The Cube is a gamma generator that sends gamma energy throughout the complex, though such an energy source is unstable. There is also a laboratory, where blood samples of every prisoner is kept as well as a control room where all the prisoners are monitored."

Time Cube - Zarkko :


Cosmic Cube :



- The Beyonders  :

Facility :


 Black box :


" ...using his powers for criminal means... formed a mercenary group known as the Executive Elite, using his powers to steal information needed to make him rich. Secretly, Commcast began working on cloning himself, and successfully engineered a clone. When Deadpool was hired to kill the Executive Elite, he succeeded in his mission and killed Commcast's clone....Commucast went into hiding and changed his alias to Black Box. He became an information broker, selling his stolen knowledge for profit.Eventually, Black Box ended up teaming up with Deadpool and other mercenaries t search for the computer virus known as the Dominus Objective..Black Box possesses the power to absorb and decipher electronic signals. Through a technique known as cyberpathy, he can receive and store all forms of electronic data and transmissions in his mind. Bashur has an infinite storage capacity in his mind, containing every piece of information he has been exposed to. Unfortunately, this data is streamed into his mind far faster than he can accurately scan it all consciously."




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