Implant Theme In Cube Disclosure

 Through the implants ( connected to anomaly ) the cube influences the space time 

It can increase implant strength which alters our consciousness into a more suppressed state as result of twisting the fabric of reality around/within us on all planes of 4th (3rd too) dimension(where dark forces have access to --plasma,etheric,astral,mental) & the quantum level 

Implant Disclosure includes mentions of the following, knowing this you will understand why its included in this implant post :



reality warping

Gravity well


Implants are related to the following ( that is why they are also inside cube based disclosure ) :


Toplet Bombs

MOVIES & Marvel


Star Trek 1st Contact (1996)



This is more disguised / hidden/subtle example :

- Spooner represents a researcher into conspiracy 

-he is a now thus a targeted individual ( by high level society) attacked when alone and made to look crazy even losing his job ( "no way my luck is that bad") All related to DEW situations btw.

* Right after The CEO was notified of Spooner looking into deep details the scene pans back to spooner who is now being targeted by The Cubes awareness ( activating increased implant activity ) starts to fall asleep & rubbing back of head where one of our implants are , which you will see disclosed in the next example . Falling asleep is a common problem amongst people trying to deliver deep information or simply an person receiving that intel . This is the matrix removing the opportunity for awakening by cancelling the conversation/research(transference of truth) . Spooner was just about to access the files then falls asleep.


Captain Marvel



Cosmic Cube



Antman 2015








Everhood ( "Warped perspective " )



Rusty Lake





(Nov,2021) " Urim base has a “spider room” and a “black cube room” . The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, and relays it to its etheric counterpart and to the etheric implant/Chimera network. " 

 " Horizontal "

 ( April 2018 - Soul Families Post )


" ...This is the reason why the dark forces have always wanted to destroy soul families.

First they did that by implanting star people to disconnect them from higherdimensional consciousness and from their Soul presence. This is called vertical implant programming and will be addressed in a special dedicated blog post when the time is right. Vertical implant programming is the basis for Quarantine Earth blockage.

The second layer of programming is horizontal implant programming. The Pleiadians have asked me to address this now in order to start deconstructing the society programming that creates the Matrix.

Horizontal implant programming misuses the fact that twin souls enter the fourth and third dimensional universe as a couple of male (electric) and female (magnetic) polarity. In its pure form, electric (kundalini) force of the male and magnetic (Soul) force of the female create attraction which in turn creates triangulation which is the force of evolution.

When this electromagnetic force of female/male attraction is interfered with by the means of horizontal implant programming, it creates a distortion in the electromagnetic field of the society that is being programmed, and evolution of such society gets delayed, sometimes for many millennia, as is the case with the Earth surface society.

The basic horizontal implant creates a split in female and male perception of sexual energy, as it has been explained in detail here:

The most effective way to control a society and delay its evolution is to control female sexual energy. This is the reason why cultures that gave maximum sexual freedom to women were the ones that saw most progress.

The most effective way to control female sexual energy in a given society is to infiltrate a critical mass of Orion/Draco/Reptilian sexual predators in that society and let them loose. This is what Archons did many times throughout human history. When a critical mass of women receives negative programming from those predators, this creates a Pavlovian reflex in subconscious female psyche of that society, thus effectively cutting off Goddess energy.

In a society like this, females begin to live a double life, expressing themselves sexually only when they are away from the prying eyes of the Matrix.

An extreme example of this is the society of Saudi Arabia:

The key of liberation of such society is for the most advanced women of that society to gradually start expressing sensual, sexual Goddess energy:

Archons are also absolutely allergic to deep Soul Love energy between a man and a woman, especially between soulmates and twin souls.

By engineering the incarnation process, they rarely allow two twin souls to incarnate at the same time. Even if they do, they rarely meet each other. Even if the meet, they are rarely allowed to be together, the Archons engineering situations to prevent the union. This is why twin soul unions on the surface of the planet now are extremely rare, and most people who think they are twin souls are actually primary soul mates (soul mates that channel energy of the twin soul to each other).

A deep Soul Love connection between soul mates on the surface of the planet happens a little more often, and if it does, Archons sometimes go to great extremes towards preventing that love, even resorting to killing one or both partners.

After the Event and especially after the First Contact, the Resistance and the Pleiadians will start contacting the most advanced members of human society, especially those who are aware of soul families." 





" Interfering with the abilities of  sensor type individuals










 " attacked Palmer Technologies and held the board members hostage until Felicity agreed to give her the chip. " -








Head/Victim/Cage/Anxiety / Mind Projected







- Downloading your internal info :





- We have etheric(energy) implants , the portal between realms of which the entities travel , inside the implant is a black hole which is connected to a tube/tunnel ("a ghost toll road"... notice the "speedway 5 billion" in pic 1 )




Tardis - " invasion when the Earth got cubed"








Danny Phantom












 - "anyone caught remains in suspended state




Security Cube

- The Implant is a rotating EM chamber 





Into Looking Glass books

- mentions space/time


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